You can find the most recent changes and the state of the RRECSulator on this page.

19 March 2023

RRECSulator 2.0!
Changed the data layout to match the mini mail survey:
You must re-enter your fixed route data in this new format. You will need the mini mail survey totals from your form 4241. The specific changes:
  1. Moved 'raw flats' from daily to fixed under 'Mini Mail Survey.'
  2. Moved 'raw letters' from daily to fixed under 'Mini Mail Survey.'
  3. Moved 'Form3982' from daily to fixed under 'Mini Mail Survey.'
  4. Moved 'Miscellaneous Time' under 'Mini Mail Survey.'
  5. Broke walking distance into 'Office Walk Distance' and 'Total Dismount Feet.'
  6. Changed 'Withdraw Mail Credit' from checkbox to radio button.
  7. Added '2nd Run DPS Letters' to daily.
  8. Changed layout location of parcel fields in daily.
  9. Modified Collection form to reflect all of these changes.

02 October 2022

Bug Fix: Boxholders were counted towards verify address time. This is a bug, boxholders do not have an address. Added 3'ish extra minutes for each boxholder.

27 July 2022

Added the changelog :)

I believe most of the bugs have been fixed. Should give a reasonable approximation of any rural route in RRECS.


  1. Parcels with a delivery signature count as an accountable, not a parcel.
  2. Non-signature express mail still get standard s038.
  3. Less than 400 pieces of DPS counts as 'Cased DPS' standard, not 'Random.' Section 8 and 9 of the comprehensive guide contradict one another.
  4. Parcels do *not* count towards markup mail volume.