Collection Form HowTo

First, this collection form is very general. It *should* work for the majority of routes. But carriers are free and encouraged to modify to fit their needs. It can be downloaded as an excel sheet, Google Docs sheet, or a pdf.

Okay, now we'll go through the form section by section and see which data to record. Have a look at the completed example for a reference.

Carrier Date Route: Nothing special here, just general bookkeeping. I also use the postal rounddater in the top right corner.


DPS Letters: Delivery Point Sequence (DPS) letters. Count as you case or approximate. RRECS assumes 425 pieces per tray. So, for instance, 2 and 1/2 trays of DPS Letters is approximately 1062 letters

2nd Run DPS Letters: When a route receives two sets of DPS, the smaller set gets counted as 2nd run. For instance, if there is a snowstorm, no letter mail on Wednesday but two sets of DPS on Thursday. That is 2nd run DPS.

Prebundle Flats: Flats that come from the shipper strapped or wrapped in plastic. They should be in route delivery or reverse route delivery order. Count them as you case, write down the number. Separate each bundle with a semicolon ( ; ). Some prebundle flats should actually be counted as raw. See this thread for more details.

FSS (DPS Flats): Count the number of DPS flats as you case, or approximate if you take to the street. RRECS assumes 115 pieces per tray. So, for instance, 3 trays of DPS flats is approximately 345 pieces.

Boxholder Flats: Unaddressed mailer to every (or nearly every) box on your route Must exceed one size criteria, otherwise is a letter: 6 1/8"H, 11 1/2"L, 1/4"W
This is the total, actual number delivered. So if your route had 400 boxes, and 95% of the boxes received one, put 380 in this field.

Boxholder Letters: Same as boxholder flat, but does NOT exceed the sizes. Actual number delivered.

WSS Flat: WSS stands for Walking Sequence Saturation. Like boxholder flats but *with* an address. Look for a marking like ECRWSS if unsure. Actual number delivered.

WSS Letters: WSS stands for Walking Sequence Saturation. Like boxholder letters but *with* an address. Look for a marking like ECRWSS if unsure. Actual number delivered.

Parcels and Accountables

Mailbox Parcels: Parcels scanned as delivered to mailbox. Also assume unscanned parcels from the RRECS activities scans get counted here. Make a tally mark for each one.

Locker Parcels: Parcels scanned as delivered to parcel locker. Also assume unscanned parcels from the RRECS activities scans get counted here. Make a tally mark for each one.

Door Parcels: All other delivery scans beside mailbox and locker (eg left at front door, left with individual at address, etc.) count as door parcels. Also assume unscanned parcels from RRECS activities scans get counted here. make a tally mark for each one.

Door Misc: Everytime you use the "DOORMISC" entry from the RRECS activities scans make a tally mark here.

Door Trips: Each address that has a door parcel, accountable mailer, or a DOORMISC trip. For instance, if one house received 3 door parcels and 1 certified, it would only count as one door trip. See Steps below if making multiple trips to the same door.

Steps: In RRECS carriers will be compensated the straight line distance from their park point to the front door. Measuring this distance is difficult. However, counting steps is very easy. When you exit your vehicle, count the number of steps until you are back inside the vehicle. If you make multiple trips (like delivering 8 boxes of dog food), keep counting steps. As long as your actual park point and front door match the values you used while mapping, this will be a reasonable approximation. See this thread for a more detailed discussion.

Pickup Events: Pickup Events are triggered when:
1. There is a package manifest form for the address.
2. There is a note instructing the carrier to come to the door to pickup a package.
3. A package of 2 lbs. or more is taken from the mailbox.
Record each pickup event with a tally mark. Use an 'F' if the event is triggered by a package manifest form. Slightly more time is allotted for scanning this form.

Pickup Parcels: The number of packages picked up on the route. This includes from pickup events and also small parcels taken from mailboxes.

Accountables: Mark the appropriate mark for each accountable. For instance, if you deliver 3 certified and 2 express mails --> CCCEE
ASSUMPTION: I am assuming signature tracking parcels are considered accountables. Nowhere in comprehensive guide are parcels with signature tracking mentioned.

Driveway Lengths

In RRECS, when travelling to a customer's door, routes will be compensated the straight line distance from the mailbox to the park point. Measuring these distances is difficult. However, approximating with some familiar lengths is easy. Anytime you make a door trip (delivering a large parcel, accountable, etc.) approximate the 1-way length of the driveway. Then make a tally mark in the corresponding field. Use the vehicle's odometer for quarter mile or half mile estimates.
See this thread for more details.

Additional Scans

Rural Reach: Anytime you use the Rural Reach entry from the RRECS activity scan make a tally mark in this box.

Stamp Sales: Anytime you use the Sell Stamp Stock entry from the RRECS activity scan make a tally mark in this box.

One Step AND Two Step Scan: The time difference between One and Two step scans is less than a second. Both are included here for the truly meticulous. Record as you go , or more simply, check the 'Database' menu on the scanner ('D' quick button) and write down the MMD number. As of July 2022, The 'Database' menu is gone from the scanner. RIP Database. The only options now are to count as you go, or just approximate.

Additional Trips: Anytime you make an additional trip at an authorized dismount, record the appropriate letter here. Note this is ONLY for authorized (i.e. consistently recurring) dismounts. Like at a CBU or a hardship box.
As an example, if you made 4 trips total at 2 CBU dismounts, you would enter "UU" in this box.

Actual Time

Loading: Time elapsed between the "start loading" and "end loading" RRECS activity scans. Can have multiple in a day.

End of Shift Time: Time elapsed between "Return to Office" and ("PM Casing" or "Clock Out") RRECS activity scans. Can only have ONE return to office per day.

Safety Talk: Time spent on safety/standup talks. It is management's responsibility to measure and enter this time. The savvy carrier will independently measure and record this time. Trust but verify!

Deviation: Time spent between "Begin Deviation" and "End Deviation" RRECS activity scans. Can have multiple in a day. *ONLY* applies to deviations for express mail. You, me, and every other rural carrier will still detour around road construction for free.


Boxes Skipped: Record every skipped mailbox. Use the appropriate letter for the type of box being skipped.
ASSUMPTION: Skipped boxes applies to every type of box, not just the reg curb box and CBU.

Break Time: Record how long you were out for lunch or any other break. Doesn't directly affect your evaluation, but good to keep for posterity.

Notes: Anything else you think is pertinent to record. Weather conditions, vehicle breakdowns, etc.